May 30, 2008

Ruby for Keiv

ravelry 022, originally uploaded by missthg.

Isn't she just fabulous? A friend in a faraway land sent this beautiful hand knit scarf to me all the way from Keiv! I was sooo excited and to scared to wear it. I mean does one wear a scarf so beautiful all willy knilly? I should think not! It was cold one morning and I grabber Ruby off the shelf and boy o boy is she warm and squishy all at the same time! I was oh so grateful that day to have such a lovely warm scarf. Many compliments to the hand knitter who made this! I'm just not that' talented. Ok - it's more like I'm far to lazy to knit such beautiful lace....Ok more like to chicken....


urbanknitrix said...

Beautiful!!!! I love it. I need to find in Keiv to make me something like that. Hmmh, maybe I will pick Ene back up.

beanchild said...

hey missthg, wanna knit lace with me? i'm highly interested to give it a go.
lemme know.