Jan 9, 2008

Fw: Public transportation is a drag…

*disclaimer - this is the grumpy evil twin sister who had a long day posting*

You know most of the time I can stomach ride public transportation with no problems commuting to work. I don't mind when folks sit next to me as long as they can keep their body parts to themselves. I don't like for men to sit next to me because they think they need to sit with their legs wide open. Rude!!! It's not enough room in the chairs for all of that. Someone needs to put out an etiquette book about how to use public transportation. I digress…. Last night my evil twin sister came out. I got on the train with 50 of closest commuting buddies – all of us minding our business, reading, sleeping and or knitting (ok only I was knitting). The train moved down a couple of stops with no incidents – until it got to the 12th Street stop. This is the stop where the train's capacity is tested on a regular basis. After all the folks get on the train and get settled – and no one sits next to me - I think cool it will be a quiet ride home. I do not have my bag in the seat next to me – it's in my lap. Well in walks one more commuter. She eyes my seat and is thrilled there is a seat on the train – as would be anyone who's had a long day. I see her and think – she is really not going to sit down next to me. The thought came to mindI because she is a person of substantial size - (and I am not skinny minny myself) more than I think is humanly possible for both of us to be in the seat. Well you guessed it – she sat down in the seat. While the laws of physics amazed me as she sat in the seat – she did something really stupid….she asked me if I could move over a little to make room for her in the seat. Yep you read that right. I asked her where the f*ck do you think I'm going to go? I swear it slipped out. My co-worker was sitting in front of me and he burst out laughing – as did the gentleman next to him. I did not mean to embarrass this poor woman – but how much more room did she really think I could make without getting up? How does one have the nerve to ask when you know you need the seat to yourself? After my initial reaction I started to apologize until she started talking….I didn't care about her day (it wasn't a bad one)…I didn't ask how it was and I certainly didn't want to smell the cigarette she'd just had and feel her side pressing my side for five stops. Yes I was happy to be sitting next to the window where the fresh air was being piped into the train. I think this was the one time I just wanted to be able to blink myself away I Dream of Jeanie style.

By the way – I was working on the purple entrelac scarf ….


beanchild said...

this aint got nuttin to do with your current posting, but... bring out the monkey socks! bring 'em out i say!! lol!
p.s. dey workin me like i'm some sort of field hand ovah heah. dang, i'm glad it's friday!

Anonymous said...

LOL, we don't have decent public transpo here, so almost everyone has to drive. This makes me glad our public transpo system sucks like it does.

urbanknitrix said...

You know I am dying over here. I have this happen to me all the time and they don't ask you to move over, they just move there body to yours. Ugh. I am glad you said something to her. I would have definitely been like your coworker - DYING